The squinty eyes, down-turned mouth, and even the fringe of dark hair around Ryan's head reminds me of "Walter"!
I have been searching for some options as to how I could soothe Ryan, yet keep up with my daily activities. It's been a bit tough to help Andrea and Kevin, and do the housecleaning, when Ryan is "demanding" to be held and comforted. Some days, it feels like I just can't get anything done! So, I went browsing for some ideas, and came across some websites for baby slings/pouches. I've had a carrier before, but didn't use it for any of my kids, because it was awkward and heavy, even without a baby in it! A sling, however, is just light fabric sewn together and folded to make a pouch for the baby.
Yes, I am aware that there are concerns about the safety of baby slings, but I did my research. It's common sense: position the baby so that he's secure, but so that he can breathe properly.
Well, my pouch arrived in the mail last night, and I decided to give it a try. It was a perfect night for it: Ryan had been miserable all day, and I had lots of chores to do, but nothing was getting done. It took a few tries for me to get him positioned, and as he was already mad, he didn't like that at all; so, when he was first in the pouch, he cried a lot. I thought, good thing I didn't take the tags off this thing. It's going back to the store. However, Ryan suddenly stopped crying. I looked down. He was sound asleep. He slept in the sling for a good 45 minutes! I even folded and put away laundry, and he didn't wake up. I finally took the sling off because I was ready for a break!
Here's some pictures I snapped of myself with Ryan in the sling. (I took them in the mirror, and you could see the camera and flash, so I cropped that out.)
His position wasn't perfect, but he was comfortable and safe. We're going to have to practice with it a bit more, so I can get used to putting him in better, but so far, it seems like a good purchase. :)
That's awesome!!! I know lots of girls that love their baby sling.
Like you said, they are perfectly safe as long as he is positioned right for breathing. I think he looks quite comfy:)
Glad you are giving it a try, as I think both you and Ryan will be happy with it.
yes, Ryan DOES look like Walter! LOLOLOL
Parker was never a fan of the sling, but Melinda has always sworn by her's. I plan on giving Griffin a try with it!
Ryan really does look like!!!
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