Family Super Bowl Party 2011
Andrea and Izzy in their matching colour-your-own-
princess shirts
Kevin and Papa excited for the football party to begin
Hannah being shy, but a nice view of how she coloured
her princess shirt
Pauline and
They've grown so much since the newborns they were last year, and can really interact now!
Aww . . . baby hugs and kisses
Great-Gram with her new
grandbaby: Uncle
Pook and Lori's little guy, Jacob
Nathen the Party Animal :)
Kevin being . . . well . . . Kevin!
Mikenna getting into our Kleenex ;)
Ryan showing Aunt Stephanie his football
pjs for Super Bowl
Aunt Stephanie giving Ryan tickles!
Kevin falling asleep on Gram and Papa, while Gram rubs his back
Student of the Month
Andrea got the Student of the Month Award for January. Daddy was able to go to her school and see her get the award at a school assembly. She was so excited, and we are so proud of her!
Ryan's Bad Hair Day
We hadn't been able to get him a haircut recently because he had been so ill and cranky. He definitely needs a trim soon! ;)
Matching Red Jerseys
Ryan and Kevin wore matching red Canada hockey sweaters to daycare on Valentine's Day.
Same Sweaters, Different Expressions!
Ryan Making Progress
I said, "You hold it," and he did!
Ryan Sitting Up By Himself and Crawling!
Ryan Laughing at Kevin and His Truck
Ryan Hiding From the Pasta
1 comment:
The updates are great!
My how they are growing :)
I can't wait to get there this summer.
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