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Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Eve 2008

Christmas Eve was full of activity for us. In the morning, Mommy spent a few hours creating/decorating her contribution to dessert for Great-Gram Market's house: Cupcake Snowmen! Although the process was slow and painstaking, the result was very cute. It also didn't help that a certain 3-year-old kept begging for the candies, and once she wore Mommy down, she was all hopped up on sugar!

The Maurices

In the early afternoon, we went to Aunt Connie and Uncle Carmen's house to visit with the Maurice family before they left for Mass. The highlights of this visit were that Andrea discovered the pleasures of orange pop (thanks Uncle Carmen!), and Kevin (on all fours) chased the dog, and the kids, around the pool table most of the time we were there. We also got to see Great-Grandma Maurice, and exchange our Christmas gifts with Grandpa Vic.

Great-Gram Market's

We spent the rest of the evening with our Market family, at Great-Gram's house. There we had a finger-food feast, fun with the family, and opened gifts.

Kevin gets into EVERYONE's cupboards now.

Best Friends

Gifts: gifts from Great-Gram and kids' gift exchange
Pauline helping Baby Addie open her gift from Andrea

Andrea opening her gift from Jocelyn
Jocelyn opening her gift from Kevin
Kevin's Snuggle Time
Poor Kevin is NOT loving all the holiday excitement. Whenever people come over to visit, or we go somewhere to visit others, Kevin gets very upset, and cries. We noticed this first at the kids' Christmas shows earlier in the month, and thought it was just something to do with being at daycare at night, but I'm getting concerned that there's something more. Kevin is not handling the new people and places well. Every time, someone he is close to has to take him away to a quiet area to get him to relax. On Christmas Eve, he had an especially bad meltdown during the gift exchange. I took him upstairs to Great-Gram's spare room, and laid on the bed with him. He was too wound up to sleep, and when I tried to lay him down alone in the crib, he screamed. So, I spent the remainder of Christmas Eve in Gram's spare room, snuggling with Kevin. I took the picture above while we were cuddling. In a way, it was very sweet to have some snuggle time with my Buddy, but on the other hand, it kind of put a damper on my Christmas Eve festivities.
When Mommy's Not Looking . . .
Well, at least one little person certainly enjoyed Mommy's cupcakes! Uncle Pook was following her around with the broom, sweeping up the crumbs in her wake; you can see the little pile behind her, in the picture. Andrea WAS loving the Christmas festivities this year!

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