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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Kevin's New Pediatrician

Today Papa G. and I took Kevin to Dr. A's office. He is our new pediatrician, who is going to help us investigate the underlying causes (if there are any) of Kevin's delays.

My first impression of Dr. A's office was great. There was a TV playing Elmo in the waiting room, and some little tables and chairs for the kids to play at. The rooms had big cartoon characters painted on the walls. The nurses were cheery and friendly, and there was even soothing/cheerful music being played in the examining rooms! Dr. A. himself seemed friendly and knowledgeable (although Kevin screamed when he saw the doctor--he hates doctors).

Dr. A. asked lots of questions, and then did a quick but thorough exam of Kevin. He said that in 90 percent of cases like Kevin's, the child will drive everyone in the local medical community crazy for a few years, and then will be fine, and caught up to the other children, by the time he is four or five years old.

However, he did have some concerns about Kevin. One, of course, is Kevin's low muscle tone, which we are all well aware of. The other is that the soft spot on top of Kevin's head hasn't closed up yet. Most babies' soft spots close by about 18 months of age.

So, Kevin has to go for some blood tests to check his vitamin and mineral levels (soft spot sign of low calcium? metabolism/enzyme issues?). He is also being referred to a neurologist, to see if his low muscle tone is due to a problem with his nervous system.

I hope that Kevin falls into that 90 percent of kids who just need some extra time to build up their strength.

By the way, Kevin officially moves up to the Toddler Room at daycare tomorrow. He has been spending time in there this week, and seems to be doing well. I'm not sure if they've ever had a toddler that doesn't "toddle" yet, but they seems to be doing their best to accommodate his needs. Right now, I think he's a bit overwhelmed by all the new faces and new activities; however, I also believe the new stimulus will be good for his development.

Actually, we witnessed a new skill last night: as Papa left our house, Kevin pulled himself up to standing at the railing by the stairs. Then, with Papa's encouragement, he walked from post to post for a couple of steps, until he got to Papa!

Here's a video of Kevin I took about a week and a half ago, when he started climbing up on Andrea's bed!


Random Kevin Pictures . . .

Accountant in Training

Practicing Sounds from his Word Bowl

Waiting for Andrea to Finish Going Potty

(He was banging on the door and calling to her!)


zoo-mama said...

Thanks for the update on Kevin's new Dr. Keep us informed on any developments. :)
Wow, I thought he climbed into Andrea's bed pretty fast. Getting more confident in his mobility, isn't he!
What is this bowl thingy? Something to help speech development? Anyways, he's as cute as a button :)
Keep the pics coming!
Love to all.

Anonymous said...

I love that video of Kevin climbing up on her bed. He did do it fast! Guess I will have to get a gate for our stairs the next time he is here! :)
