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Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Weekend 2010

Good Friday

Good Friday was a busy day, with the kids being home from school. I decided to keep up the family tradition of colouring Easter eggs on this day. Ryan was in the sling, while Andrea and Kevin coloured eggs. Andrea had a little more patience than Kevin, so her eggs turned out a bit more colourful, and she spent more time putting decorations (stickers) on them. Kevin was too eager to see his eggs, and took them out of the dye a bit early, so he ended up with one very light blue one and one that still looked white. He also put only one sticker on each (guess he's a minimalist). However, both kids had fun, and were very proud of their eggs.

Good Friday was a gorgeous day--the nicest of the week--at 75 degrees and sunny. When Daddy got home from work (yes, he worked--it's tax season) we took the kids for a walk to the park and candy store.
Ryan was much happier during this, his second stroller ride. He didn't cry once, and seemed to enjoy being out in the fresh air. It was really windy and bright, so he was squinting a bit; however, it was so warm, that when he kept kicking his little socks off, I let him stay barefoot.
Andrea is so brave on the climbers now. She's a little monkey! She climbs up all the different parts. She was waving to me, and posing for the camera, after climbing up the back near the big slide.

She also spotted me trying to take pictures of her coming down the smaller slide. As soon as she saw the camera focused on her, she grinned all the way down the slide!
Andrea and Kevin both still love the swings. I'm glad Andrea had finally given up on the baby swings and prefers the ones for the bigger kids now. Kevin can go on the big kid swings, too, but
he doesn't have good enough hand strength to hold on for a long time!
He seems quite happy in this swing anyways.

Meanwhile, Ryan was content to relax in the stroller and watch the fun.
Saturday started off with what has become another family tradition--the Easter egg hunt and lunch at Gram and Papa's. Gram bought bunny ears for the kids to wear during the hunt. We had Ryan try on a pair, but I don't think he was too impressed. He just wanted to sleep.

Andrea and Kevin, however, loved their ears, and kept hopping around so much that they were falling off!

I was busy with Ryan during the egg hunt, so I only got pictures of them after they finished the hunt and distributed the eggs.

Ryan's so little that he fits right in the basket! He's also so tired that he can't keep his eyes open during the excitement. He was soon snuggled up on Papa, with his gifts from Papa and Gram, for a quick nap.

A few minutes later, Ryan was ready to try his first lollipop. We put it up to his mouth as a joke, but then he actually started to lick it. He liked it!

The weather on Saturday was still beautiful, so we went out in Gram and Papa's backyard to enjoy it, and have lunch out there. Gram and the kids were playing tag; then, when she went in to make lunch, Papa got an idea for some ball games.

Ryan was still tired. He had another nap out in the fresh air.

The kids got to have cupcakes for dessert, but even better: they got to decorate their own cupcakes, with icing and sprinkles! It was a yummy mess, and definitely a good activity to do outside!

Later that day, after we were at home again, our friends the Campbells (from Kitchener-area) came over for a visit. They got to meet Ryan, and the kids had a chance to get reacquainted. Andrea and Maeve are only a few months apart in age, and Kevin and Finn are only a few days apart in age. They had lots of fun playing together!
In the evening, Andrea and Kevin helped me put out the Easter baskets for the Easter Bunny.

While they were sleeping that night, the Easter Bunny came!

The Easter Bunny even tried to hide a chocolate egg on Ryan!
Easter Sunday

As he does every year, the Easter Bunny left a trail of chocolate eggs from each kid's bed to their bedroom door, and then hid lots of eggs all over the living room. Andrea and Kevin were very excited to find their eggs! Kevin needed a little help, but Andrea is an egg-hunting pro now.

Ryan's too little to have candies or little toys this year, so the Easter Bunny brought him one big musical flower toy. I think Ryan was happy with that.
After the egg hunt, we had a restful morning, and the kids had time to enjoy their new toys from the Easter Bunny. The Easter Bunny brought toys that they could all play with and share.

In the afternoon, we went to Gram and Papa's again--this time for dinner. It was a little cooler out on Sunday, but still nice enough to sit outside before dinner. First, we had some drinks and some yummy munchies.
Andrea: "Mmmmm . . . Cheritos!" (That's how she pronounces Doritos.)

Ryan got to spend some quality time with Great-Gram. She's a famous baby soother and snuggler.

He also got to spend a little time with Papa, before Andrea and Kevin monopolized his attention.
Since we had walked over, we had the wagon with us. Papa came up with the idea to give the kids a wagon ride in the backyard. The terrain's a bit bumpy, but that simply made it more fun! They loved it. (Poor Papa was worn out by the time we left!)

After dinner, Andrea and Great-Gram played Barbies together. Andrea was delighted to have a playmate who was as aborbed in the game as her. :))

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for letting us visit. You guys have a beautiful family. We would love to have you all here if you ever come this way.