Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

February Update (Sorry, no photos/videos yet)

Goodness, so much has happened over the past 3 weeks or so with the kids, I feel I have to get on here and mention a few things before I forget. I have some pictures and videos, too, but we are already at mid-term time at work and I have been a bit overwhelmed as it is, adjusting to the back-to-work-with-three-kids-now lifestyle, so I haven't had time to upload/edit them. (Can you tell how busy my brain is by that crazy long sentence?) So, here's a point-form update of some of the highlights I'd like to mention.

  • Annual Family Super Bowl Party here on February 6th: It was fun to see all of the babies who were infants (or not yet arrived) at least year's gathering playing together this year.
  • Ryan's Gross Motor Skills progress: he started to get up on all fours about 2 or 3 weeks ago; he started getting from crawling to sitting position on his own, and remaining sitting with no support, last week; this week, he has finally started to crawl! It starts in four-point position, but then he usually flops down as he tries to go forward, then goes into a fairly quick army crawl.
  • Ryan's Food/Drink progress: Well, he's finally eating "solids" again after refusing anything but formula for almost 3 weeks, while he had those viruses. The good news: by tomorrow, he'll be completely off formula, and the milk seems to be going over well with him and his tummy. The bad news: he eats like a champ, but only if it's infant oatmeal or pureed stage 1 jar baby foods. He still refuses anything with lumps, and doesn't like any "real" foods.
  • Ryan's Fine Motor Skills progress: As it relates to feeding, Ryan still won't try to feed himself, and will only play with a spoon for a few minutes. He rarely tries to put a spoon near his mouth. As for bottles, I finally said to Ryan tonight, "Buddy, you're almost 13 months old. You can hold this bottle yourself! Do you want it?" He grabbed it and tried to put it in his mouth when I held it out, so I put him on his back on the floor and voila--he fed himself the entire bottle!
  • Ryan and Daycare: He is doing fantastic. He almost never cries, sleeps great, and is always happy as long as he's feeling well.
  • Ryan and Hearing: One thing the daycare teachers pointed out (and I had noticed, too) is that Ryan often doesn't respond to people talking to him, or noises, unless you are right in his face. I took him for his 12-month immunizations today, and asked the doctor to book him for a hearing test. I tried a few things myself, like clapping and calling his name from behind him, and even popping balloons--no response. However, he did turn around when I put on the vacuum the other day. Hopefully, it's just some temporary thing due to the ear infections he's had lately. (?)
  • Ryan's Height and Weight: He's a big guy like his siblings were/are: at a bit over 1 year old, he is almost 30 inches tall and weighs almost 25 pounds!
  • Ryan and Occupational Therapy: We are getting him into OT soon. He needs help with feeding himself and will soon need to learn to drink from a cup. He has low muscle tone just like his siblings, so we know from their history, we might as well get him some early intervention.
  • Kevin's Developmental Assessment: Kevin's resource consultant from Children First conducted the LAP-D to see what his strengths and weaknesses are as we prepare him for the transition to junior kindergarten. Some results were as expected: his gross and fine motor skills are a bit behind the average child his age, but there is nothing that would really impede his learning/participation in regular classroom activities. The big surprise was in his language comprehension: apparently, he has a language comprehension level comparable to the average SIX-year-old. (!) However, his expressive language is right at the average level for his age. Another area of surprising strength for Kevin was counting and matching, where he was about a half a year above average.
  • Kevin's Assessment--Concerning Behaviours: While he worked great one-on-one during the assessment, Kevin's teachers expressed concerns about his preferences for "solitary" play which is accompanied by "repetitive" actions during free time. I have had my own concerns about this for some time as well. What's interesting is these behaviours come and go: he has better days than others, where he interacts with Andrea (and his peers) just fine. Then there are other days when he will scream if someone interrupts his solitary play, or do something like walk on a line, pushing a chair, and watching his feet--and get very upset when the line stops. (?) After puzzling this over for a week, I think I have some ideas as to what's going on, but I'm no expert. My guess: it's some manifestation of a childhood anxiety disorder. (I won't go into how I arrived at this conclusion. It's complicated.)
  • Kevin Signed up For Kindergarten: We took Kevin to the Lassaline (Andrea's school) open house tonight and got him registered for September. Andrea was too funny: since she's still in SK, she knows all the kindergarten teachers and helpers, so she was introducing Kevin to everyone. Kevin was excited to be there, and he enjoyed checking out the JK classrooms. He was walking around Andrea's classroom counting the chairs, and Andrea's teacher said, "He can count! I want him in MY class!" We also found out that Andrea is considered a "mother hen" by the kindergarten staff, and that's specifically why she was chosen to be in the split JK/SK class. They said they knew she'd be a great helper with the JKs in her class, and she is!
  • Kevin's Transition to JK: We will actually have a on-on-one meeting with Children First and Lassaline staff in the spring, to ensure Kevin's physical and emotional needs continue to be addressed properly as he makes the move from daycare to kindergarten. Our hope is to place him with a teacher who will develop a learning plan which makes the most of his language comprehension and numeracy strengths, and flexible enough to accommodate any emotional/psychological needs he may have (re: the concerning behaviours).
  • More about Andrea, the "Mother Hen": Quite frankly, at home, this trait is downright annoying. It would be alright if Kevin didn't mind her "assistance," but he gets very angry when she tries to "help" him or correct his behaviour. It usually ends with them screaming at each other, and someone hitting or pushing the other. Andrea's intentions are good, but her approach needs work. Plus, Kevin knows Mom's the boss; I can tell he totally resents it when Andrea tries to tell him what to do. However, Andrea is really sweet with Ryan, and he seems to enjoy her attention, unless she gets in his face when he's tyring to watch TV!
  • Andrea and Ballet: Andrea is about halfway through her first set of ballet classes, and she is loving it. I finally got her some kiddie ballet slippers this week (long story), and she is happy her ballet outfit is complete. Daddy usually takes her to lessons, and I stay at home with the boys, but she shows me what she's learned when she gets home. I know they usually do a little "recital" for the last class at the end of March, so if I can't get to one before, I'll definitely go with them that night.

Wow, so this was supposed to be a brief update. Hmm. Like I said, so much has been going on over the past month, I had to start getting it all blogged! Now, it's 10:30 PM, and I'm off to do a few loads of laundry. Ack. Being back to work is nice for the mental stimulation and the money, but it seems like there's never enough time to do what needs doing . . . and I'm always YAWNING. ;)

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