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Friday, April 25, 2008

Kevin Making Friends: Real and Otherwise . . .

Yesterday morning, Kevin and I walked (well, he rode in the stroller) over to Michelle and Parker's for a playdate. There were five moms and babies there, most of whom we'd met before at swim class or the movies. Kevin was pretty shy and quiet for the first hour; he didn't make too much noise, or play with the toys, but he sat back and checked out the other babies. That seems to be his social style, in general. Then, once he got bored with watching, he finally decided to join in.

Kevin, Jackson, and Parker

It was a bit hard for Kevin to play with Jackson and Parker, because those two are always on the move: proficient crawlers who are cruising furniture, and almost walking! But Kevin found a good companion in Sadie, who just turned six months old, so she isn't mobile yet, either.

Kevin and Sadie didn't say too much to each other, but they were also the two quietest babies there, so I think their personalities suited each other well.

They spent a lot of time touching and examining each other's clothes and faces. Like I said, they both seem like quiet observers, exploring and absorbing it all in their own solemn fashion.

That isn't to say Kevin wasn't involved in some good, old-fashioned baby mayhem. When Sadie went for a diaper change, Kevin and Jackson got into the extra baby food Jackson's mom brought to share with the group. Apparently, the plastic containers make great stacking and rolling toys!


I think yesterday's playdate sparked Kevin's interest in other babies. I show him Baby-Kevin-in the-mirror all the time, but he usually doesn't react, until he notices Mommy-in-the-mirror (and then he smiles). Today, during Andrea's nap, I went to put away some laundry. I suddenly heard Kevin squealing and jumping around like crazy in his exersaucer. I went in the living room to see what he was so excited about. He had discovered a new friend . . .

. . . Kevin-in-the-TV!

You have to watch the video to see just how thrilled he was by the appearance of this new playmate! :))


Anonymous said...

Funny little man :)

Anonymous said...

Glad you guys could make it!!! Everyone seemed to have so much fun together!!!