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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

What does Andrea think of Kevin?

Not too much has changed in the way Andrea relates to Kevin. I know it's only been a few weeks, but still, I'm surprised she hasn't shown more interest in him. It's odd; it's not like she has any animosity towards him, or even jealousy. She just acts like he's not even here!

The only time I see her acknowledge him is if he's using something that interests her. For example, she will come and try to push the baby swing when he's in it. Or, she will lay a blanket or one of her dolls with him in his bassinet. It seems to me she does this not so much as to play with him, but as if to say, This is my stuff, too. It's kind of weird.

When people ask her questions about her baby brother, she ignores them. She has only started to answer our questions about him, like, "What colour is Kevin's shirt?" But that's about it. She is starting to blow him a kiss goodnight, but we have to ask her to do it.

Once in a while she will surprise me. Like yesterday, I had Kevin laying on his play mat, and she wanted to play with it too, so I said, "Do you want to lay down with Kevin?" She nodded her head, and then stretched out next to him. Then, she reached over and gave him a little pat on the belly; and she got up and walked away. So, I don't know--did she just do it to please mommy, or was she actually showing some affection to her baby brother? Maybe a bit of both?

Anyhow, I'm hoping she'll start bonding with him a bit more as she gets a little older, and he gets a little more interesting to play with.

Here's a typical scene of what Andrea-and-Kevin interaction is like. She'll play near him, but not really pay him any attention. I guess I should be happy that they're not fighting yet! :))
Notice Dora in the baby swing? Dora also goes in the car seat, the bassinet, the bouncy chair . . . but she knows the deal: only when Kevin's not using them!


Anonymous said...

I sent you an email :) Looks like Andrea and Kevin are both doing great. I'm not surprised. You guys are wonderful parents.


Anonymous said...

So good to read your blog...things are so similar.
Maeve seems to like her brother but has also taken a few swings at Finn. She will kiss and hug him and tickle his toes and then try to hit him...we have to watch her like a hawk. She says she wants to hold him and then we say 'here' she says 'no!'. We've turned her world upside down.
Hope you are continuing to do well.
Take care,
p.s. I don't remember all the growth spurt's like it all erased out of my mind...this would explain why Finn has been living on my boob!

Anonymous said...

It's nice to read your blog and know that I am not the only one who feels a little frazzled at times!!! By no means do I know exactly what you are going through since I only have 1, but it reminds me I'm not alone!!! And just think, Mike went back to work the day we came home from the hospital!!!!
Thinking of you guys,