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Thursday, November 29, 2007


Um, yeah.

I am SO ready for Rod to come home tomorrow. I am literally counting down the hours.

I mean, it hasn't been all bad here. Mommy has maintained her sanity, and the house is still standing, so that's good.

However, the week started off with Kevin and I having horrible colds--coughs, sore throat, fever, ache, sneezes: the works. We were both better by Tuesday. So, Tuesday and Wednesday appeared to be fairly uneventful days . . . quiet, no big deal.

Until last night.

Andrea seemed fine when I put her to bed, but she started crying about a half-hour later. I thought she was just having trouble settling down, so I tucked her back in, and she went to sleep. It was just past 9 pm when she started to cry again. I was on the phone with Rod, so I let him go and went to check on her.

Well, I'll try not to get too graphic, but let's just say EVERYTHING she'd eaten that day was all over her bedding, her pillows, and herself. And of course, she was upset and panicking, so she just kept vomiting and vomiting. I got her into the bathroom, where she vomited more, and got her cleaned up. I put her in my bed, then I changed her bed and cleaned her room. She started to cry, and the next thing I knew, she had puked all over MY bed. So, I calmed her down, changed her, and put her back into her bed. Then I threw MY bedding downstairs. I called Rod back, and told him what had happened, hoping it was over.


Over the next four hours, Andrea had a least 5 more distinct episodes of vomiting. No matter how much I tried to contain it, I had to change her sheets and pjs, and clean her up each time. I ran out of bedding and had her on the trundle bed, with old receiving blankets and change pads under her. I ran out of pjs, too. Of course, Andrea just wanted to sleep; as soon as she vomited, she cried and tried to snuggle back in, getting more ick on herself. She started crying for Dada (which broke my heart, and sent ME over the edge!), so we're both crying and exhausted and smelling like vomit.

Finally, around 2 am, everything calms down. Andrea is finally empty. I grab a quick shower and collapse into my bed-without-bedding. I sleep fitfully all night, the slightest noise causing me to panic, thinking it's poor Andrea getting sick again.

Kevin wakes up at 4:30 am.

So, the day begins again.

Andrea had an okay day today. I obviously kept her home from daycare. She never had a fever or any other symptoms, except being tired and clingy all day. She didn't eat much (to be expected), and only got sick once, during supper. Like a typical toddler, she was running races 15 minutes later!

So, tonight I am simply weary. And praying for quiet.

But I must say, I DEFINITELY wouldn't have survived without Gram and Grandpa G. this past week. They've taken Andrea and Kevin for visits, so Mommy could have some down-time;
Grandpa has even brought us milk, meals, and got me a coffee today (a desperately needed coffee if there ever was one!). I know I'm incredibly lucky to have such thoughtful and supportive in-laws close by!


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your bad luck Julie!! Hopefully everyone is feeling better soon! I know what you mean about in-laws, I don't know what I would do without mine!!

Unknown said...

So sorry to hear about your yucky time! I definitely miss my family in those times. When Matt went away on business I remember Maeve was 4 months and she got a fever and was was such a nightmare. Then Matt went away on a 'fun' trip and Maeve and I got really sick. I'm so not looking forward to him going away anytime soon (because of course that will be when the kids get sick)'ll be crazy with 2.
Sounds like you did a great job handling everything. I would have cried too...heck I've shed a few tears over one of Maeve's meltdowns.
praying for you guys.

Anonymous said...


I am concerned that Andrea may have accidently ate some kind of peanut product. You know how worried I get about vomiting, considering our family history.

Hope everything is much better.
(And yes, it's okay it cry)