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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Baffled :((

The first ultrasound results are well, quite simply, baffling.

They wouldn't show/tell me anything yesterday, and told me to go talk to my doctor today. Last night I did another home pregnancy test, and it was CLEARLY positive.

When my doctor walked in to talk to me, she was absolutely confused. Here's my results: the tech said she couldn't find anything in there!


Okay, so my doctor flipped back to my blood work from a week ago, which showed a normal hormone rate. I was definitely pregnant a week ago.

Since that time, I have had NO cramping or bleeding. (?)

Oh, and here's some other info.: my doctor said my hCG hormones were at 1600 last week. I looked it up on the American Pregnancy Association site, and that is well within normal range for 5 weeks. Here's another interesting point from the same page:

"A transvaginal ultrasound [which I had] should be able to show at least a gestational sac once the hCG levels have reached between 1,000 - 2,000mIU/ml. Because levels can differentiate so much and conception dating can be wrong, a diagnosis should not be made by ultrasound findings until the hCG level has reached at least 2,000. "

I dunno . . . make what you will of that.

So, we discussed the possibility that I had my dates messed up, and maybe it was too early to see anything on ultrasound yet. But, we went through a calendar and I gave her all my dates. I should be six and a half weeks. (?)

Here's what we decided to do: I went for more blood work tonight, to check if my hormone levels are rising. If they are, good. If they're not, then something has happened without my knowing it.

She's also having me book another ultrasound for next week. By then, I would be 7.5 weeks, and definitely should be able to see anything that's there. I also requested to go to a different ultrasound centre, because for many reasons, I was NOT impressed with the first one.

So, I am confused and upset. How can it be that I haven't miscarried, I'm still getting positive pregnancy tests, but the tech says there's nothing in there? I hope that tech was just a f'n idiot. But now, I'll have to wait another week to see. I'm not impressed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

here's hoping to f'n idiot theory. Thinking about you!! Will say a little prayer for you too. xoxo