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Friday, March 20, 2009

Various Updates (Mommy, Kevin, Andrea)

Mommy and Baby
Nothing much has changed with my pregnancy in the last week. I am still spotting every day, but it hasn't gotten worse. I haven't heard from my doctor because she's off for March Break.

Morning sickness is setting in. I'm feeling pretty rough most mornings (and some whole days)now.

I saw my endocrinologist (diabetes doctor) yesterday. My sugar levels are ridiculously high--averaging 15 to 17 most times (when I should be 7 or under). So, I'm back on insulin injections 4 times a day, and blood testing 5 times a day. I'm going to see the dietitian and nurse educator on Monday afternoon to get my pregnancy diet set up. The doctor is happy with my weight loss (about 17 pounds since January), but my high blood sugar is really a concern right now. I was surprised to see such high numbers, because I've been eating much better (as the weight loss shows). I guess I'm going to have to be meticulous to get my sugar under control.

Kevin has some doctors appointments and assessments next week, so hopefully I'll have some more information about his needs after that.

Last week Kevin went for an assessment at the John McGivney Children's Centre, where his Gram worked until her retirement in June 2008. I hadn't mentioned it here because their findings were similar to Children First's. However, it was good to get a second opinion and some more details about his condition:

1. Kevin has extremely low muscle tone. This is why he has such a hard time supporting himself on his feet, and why he gets tired so easily. He tends to sit in a slumped position, with a rounded back, because it requires less effort; but this could be bad for his spine in the long run. They estimate that it will be another 4 to 6 months before he begins walking. However, the worst thing we can do is force him to stand up and walk before he's ready, because it could injure his feet and joints. We have to work slowly with him on strength-building activities for his muscles.
The big question is, What is the cause of the low muscle tone? Our hope is that the new pediatrician he is seeing next week will order some investigative tests.

2. Kevin's communication (speech) is in the range of a 10 month old. Again, some investigation is needed into the cause(s) of the delay. They have referred us to a special parent-and-child language program which will help us to communicate better with Kevin. I'm not sure when we'll be starting that.

Kevin is making some progress on his own. He now says "hi" and "bye-bye" spontaneously and appropriately. He likes blowing kisses to people. New words that he repeats include "Izzy," "A-ee-ah" (Andrea), "Ba-pah" (Backpack), and "Poop!" He also repeats "Hi, Mama" and "Hi, Dada." He is starting to point to objects in his picture books when we ask him to, and gets most of them right. His sense of humor is developing; a lot of shows on TV make him laugh, and he does silly things to get me to laugh (like big, cheesy grins).

Physically, Kevin loves pushing around his walking toys while he walks on his knees. He tries to walk a bit on his knees alone, but usually topples over. He regularly pulls himself up to standing by the furniture, and has even cruised down the length of the couch a couple times. One time, I helped him up to standing with his walking toy, and he walked it across the living room, but he was pretty shaky. He tries to climb up on to the furniture (but can't quite make it yet).***Actually, he just crawled up on Andrea's bed from a step-stool! Then, he turned around and crawled back down! (added 7:00 PM)*** So, the good news is that he has the desire to walk. He tries; he wants to move and climb. Believe me, he already tries to get into everything on the end tables, shelves, drawers, etc. He is very curious. When he does start walking, he is going to keep me busy!

At daycare, Kevin has started to visit the toddler room. They say he is doing well so far. He will probably move up at the start of April. I think it will be good for him to be with the toddlers.

I'm not sure if I've mentioned potty training in a while. She is doing great--hardly any daytime accidents (usually only during nap, and even then, not often). She only gets a diaper at bedtime, because she's not night-trained yet. When she starts waking up dry, or asking to go in the middle of the night, then we'll do the night training. She's not ready yet.

Our big issue with Andrea right now is how she expresses her feelings. She's very sensitive, and yells or cries when she gets frustrated. At daycare, too, they are working with Andrea to help her express her emotions in a more appropriate way. Everything is drama with this child! Of course, now it's always, "Mommy, you're making me TERRIBLE!" (feel terrible) whenever she doesn't get the answer she wants. It's a double-edged sword. Sigh.

She also has to have a "grown-up friend" with her at all times. What happened to the child who could entertain herself for hours?

Nap-time is disappearing, too. She doesn't nap every day. I miss it a lot more than she does.

She's funny and sweet, too. Right now she declares she loves me and I'm her best friend (same for Daddy). She even shows signs of concern for Kevin, and seems to miss him when he's not around. Today, for example, she's at home sick, but Kevin went to daycare. She keeps asking where Kevin is, and whining, "but I WANT him!" She also gets upset when I do something like wipe Kevin's nose (which he hates), and he cries. She says, "Be nice to Kevin! Stop making him cry!" Sometimes, if Kevin's being naughty, and I scold him, she'll say, "But he LIKES it. He's just being funny!" It's amazing how she can get so annoyed with him, but if she thinks anyone else is "picking on" him, she jumps right in at his defense. I guess that makes her a normal big sister. :))


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great updates on you and the kids. Sounds like a very busy household ! :)

Unknown said...

Sounds like the kids are doing great. Thanks for the update. You're lucky Andrea napped this long. Maeve threw the naps out WAY TOO long ago. It's our special girl time now.