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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Kevin's 4-month Appointment

We just got back from Kevin's 4-month check-up, and the doctor says he's doing very well!

He's 15 lbs., 8 ozs., and 27.75 inches long.

She took a good look at (and listen to) all his parts, and everything's in good order.

Dr. H. says Kevin is a "very interactive little man!" because he was talking to her, and wiggling around the whole time. :)) He also gave her lots of smiles--until the second vaccination (that one hurts!).

He was SO GOOD the whole time we were there, and we had a LONG wait: she was 1.5 hours behind! The people in the waiting room thought he was the sweetest baby ever, and of course he was totally flirting with them in return. He was doing little sit-ups in his car seat so he could see people, so I took him out and sat him on my lap, facing everyone. He loved that! :)) Even when we were waiting for Grandpa G. to pick us up, people walking into the medical centre were stopping to chat with him. His big, blue eyes and (of course) the hair got the most compliments.
BTW, so much is happening this month that I am doing multiple posts daily! If you're a fan of our blog, make sure you don't miss any. :))

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you know me wouldn't miss a beat. Ya for Kevin and everything going well.

Where did you get Kevin's baptism outfit? You're making me look bad...I have no idea when Finn's is yet. I loved Kevin's slicked hair...too funny.

Talk to you again soon,

p.s. I"m rsvping...but will try to email you for real xox