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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Returning to Normal / Word Sounds!

Well, in the end, the stomach bug got every last one of us! Even Daddy got sick on Sunday night, and had to stay home from work yesterday. He's a bit better today, but still not feeling too great. Andrea and I are fully recovered, and Kevin's doing much better. I think Kevin was affected the most, because he's so little. He was still vomiting on Sunday night, but we figured out that if we fed him less at a time, he could keep it down. So, we are slowly bringing him back up to full capacity. It will probably take a few more days. Poor little guy! I can tell he's lost some weight.

We're starting to feel better--but everyone's worn out!
Yesterday, I could tell that Kevin was improving. Not only was he keeping more food down, but his smiles and laughs were back! Here he is, in his usual pose: smiling and chattering, but with a thumb in his mouth! (Always a thumb in there! A pacifier won't do it.)


Now that he's recovering, Kevin is continuing to make a lot of progress in his word sounds. I am really surprised by how much he tries to talk! He loves to stare at me when I talk to him, and I can see him studying my lip movements. It's so funny when he tries to talk--when he's really trying to form words, he concentrates so hard that his cheeks get pink, and he almost looks like he's frowning! I think he may take after Andrea--more of a talker than a mover.

Before he got sick, his favourite word sound was "boob" (that's my boy!), but now I often overhear him saying "muh" and "mum" and even "mumma."

So, you know I had to catch him saying "mumma" on video! I know, he doesn't have a clue what he's saying, it's just sounds, and it's not quite clear--but it's perfect to me!


Anonymous said...

Yay! So glad to here everyone is getting better. I hope Daddy is better soon too.

I definitely heard Kevin say "Mama", but he should....after all he is Mama's boy just like Andrea is Daddy's girl. :)))

Unknown said...

Ha that's so funny and cute. We swear Finn says "dada" but it's just his babbling not actual meaning.
Glad you guys are all feeling a bit better!