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Monday, December 10, 2007

Kevin's Baptism

Yesterday morning we celebrated Kevin's baptism at our Church. Aunt Stephanie and Uncle Tony are his godparents. We were joined by Grandma and Grandpa Gagnon, Grandpa Maurice, Cousin Izzy, Great-Grandma Market and Great-Grandma Maurice.

Overall, it went well, but we were a bit of a circus! Andrea and Izzy were both pretty restless in Church, and the grandparents had quite a lot to keep them busy! Andrea was obsessed with "Yummy Mashmallows!" (at the top of her voice) and Izzy was upset because she wanted to sit with her mommy and daddy. Izzy was restored to her parents, Andrea was entertained by Grandpa G., and that was that. What can you do? They're toddlers!

Kevin was SO good. He only fussed a tiny bit when he got hungry and tired, but a mid-Mass bottle and some cuddles from Mommy and Daddy quickly restored his good humour. He was wide-eyed the whole time, taking in all the Church sights and sounds.

Then there's the elderly priest who, God bless him, keeps changing Kevin's name from Kevin Alfred to "Kevin Albert" and even "Karen Albred"! He is also fond of being liberal with the holy oil and rubbing it well on baby's head--we'd never seen Kevin's hair so flat before! :)) But we love Father M.--he did our confirmations, wedding, and both the kids' baptisms. He is such a sweet man.

After, we went to East Side Mario's for lunch, and then back to our house for a visit. The weather was a bit tricky, with some freezing rain, but we had a nice, cozy time together.

Here are a few pictures I managed to snap here and there. I will add another post at a later date, with more photos:

I'm all ready!

laughing with Daddy at the restaurant

chatting with Great-Grandma Maurice at the restaurant

trying out the Bumbo from Gram and Grandpa G.--he loves it!

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